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Chart Sort Order

In this dialog you can specify the sort order of data. To specify the sort order you have following options:



Select the field for sorting. The second field is only available with field type boolean and time/date/datetime.


Select the sorting method.

  • Ascending - The values will be sorted in ascending order.
  • Descending - The values will be sorted in descending order.
  • Original - The values has the same order as in the report data (i.e., the order in which the data appears in your database)
  • Specified Sort Order - You can specify your own sort order for the current group. You define custom groups by formula and specify the individual values that belong in each group. To set this sort order use the "Summary Options" button. See the help page for this dialog.
  • Order by Summary - To set this sort order use the "Summary Options" button. See the help page for this dialog.

Sort Options

"Sort Options" button is available for two sorting types: specific sort order and order by summary. This enables you to specify sort properties of this both orders.

Group Name

A group name field can be used to give a name to group items (e.g. bar). The default is the group field, but it can be any other database or formula field. The value of group name field will be displayed in the legend, on the catagory axis and on chart item, depends on chart configuration.

See Also:

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Sort Order