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Data Points Properties

Show Identifier

Enable or disable the identifier for data points.

Show Value

Enable or disable the value for data points. Use the Number Formater to change the number format.


Changes the Position of identifier and value. Possible options are: * Outside of Maximum * Inside of Maximum * Center * Base


Changes the Alignment of identifier and value. Possible options are: * Automatic * Horizontal * Vertical

Maximum Bar Width

Set the width of the bar in five percent steps from 5% to 100%. This property means the maximum bar width in percent to the plot width. Only available with bar charts.

Bar Spacing

Set the space between the bars of a group in five percent steps from 0% to 50%. This percent value refers to the chart width. For example: 10% bar spacing means 10% of the chart width for all bars, evenly divided between all bars. Only available with bar charts.


Sets the distance of the identifier and value in five percent steps from 0% to 30%. Only available with pie and ring charts.

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Help - Data Points