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Chart Tab Text

In this dialog you can specify titles, footnotes and axis titles and labels for a chart.



Please enter the chart title. If the checkbox Auto Text is enabled the chart title will be derived from data values. To specify titles manually, disable the Auto Text option. For Pie and Doughnut Charts, only the text for Title, Subtitle, Footnote, Legend and Group Labels can be entered. Note that the position of these labels currently cannot be changed in the diagram.


Determines the font that is used to label the diagram. The standard option will resize the font according to the diagram size. You can select the other fonts in the Font list of this dialogue.

  • Title - the title which will appear above the chart.
  • Subtitle - the subtitle which will appear below the title, above the chart.
  • Footnote - the footnote which will appear below the chart.
  • Legend - the data generated labels of the legend.
  • Group Title - the title for the chart's x axis.
  • Data Title - the title for the chart's y axis.
  • Group Labels - the individual labels on the chart's x axis.
  • Data Labels - the individual labels on the chart's y axis.
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