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The Color Chooser

The color chooser allows you to create custom colors and use them as in your report elements. To create a custom color use the slider to change the current color. Also, you can enter the value of the color component in the fields next to the slider.

Color Components:

  • (HSV) Hue (0-360): The color angle in HSV model.
  • (HSV) Saturation (0-100) The saturation of the current color.
  • (HSV) Value (0-100) The value of the current color.
  • (RGB) Red (0-255) : the red component of the current color
  • (RGB) Green (0-255) : the green component of the current color
  • (RGB) Blue (0-255) : the blue component of the current color
  • Alpha (0-255) : The opacity of the selected color

HTML Code:

Shows the current color in hexadecimal code. Please note: the alpha value will not be showed in this representation.


Shows the standard and currently used palette from i-net Designer.

Color Chooser

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - ColorChooser Dialog