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Glossary - A


All values for colors (border-, fore- and back color) use the ABGR color model which represents the colors with 32bit integer numbers. That means that the first 8bits are used for Alpha component, the second 8bits for Blue component, the third 8bits for Green component and last 8bits for Red component.

Across Then Down

This is a layout option which defines that the records are ordered horizontally, then vertically in multi-column or multi-label reports, rather than vice versa. By default, i-net Designer does not use this layout.

Aggregate Function

A function which calculates a value from a group of values, such as AVG (the average of the values), SUM (the sum of all values), or MAX (the maximum of all values), normally used in combination with a grouping of values by a certain attribute.


A name in place of another name, usually shorter or more precise. For example, a table containing a list of customers on your database may have the name DSE41_GS. A fitting alias for this table would be Customers.


An argument is a variable which is an input value to a function. For example, the function ABS needs an argument passed to it, which it then uses to calculate its absolute value. Depending on the function, some arguments must be of a certain type in order for the function to work. In our example, the argument passed to ABS must be a number.


An area is a logical render unit. It includes a list of Sections. An Area has at least one section. There are seven different areas in a report template (Report Header, Page Header, Group Headers, Detail, Group Footer, Report Footer and Page Footer).

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used to calculate number or currency values.


An array is a numbered list of objects in which each object is specified by an index value. To create an array in a formula, use the array syntax which is:
To retrieve a value from an array, use its index to specify it:

Array Operators

Array Operators are used to build, modify and compare arrays.


An attribute is a property of an entity giving further information about it. For example, a group can be set with the attribute that its members all start with the letter a.


An axis is a dimension in a chart used for putting values at their correct spots.

i-net Clear Reports
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