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Glossary - B

Basic Syntax

Basic syntax is one set of syntax rules that can be used for writing formulas. The rules are very similar to those of Microsofts Visual Basic and other forms of Basic. Writing formulas can either be done in Crystal or in Basic Syntax.

Before Reading


A graphics file which can be added to the report by using insert picture (or Ctrl+Alt+P).

BLOB Field

BLOB stands for Binary Large OBject, an object that (e.g. within the context of XML) is treated and is stored as a whole without further structuring efforts. Often, these are pictures and images; however, they can be anything from audio or video files to Office documents.


A Boolean is a variable type which can have only two values: True or False.

Boolean Operators


When grouping by aggregate functions, bottom-n ordering allows you to choose only a certain number of groups (n) with the smallest values of all groups.


A box is an element in your report - it is a rectangle you can create, and it can go over multiple sections. If these sections go over multiple pages, a box can go over multiple pages as well.

Buffered Rows

A count of rows which could be at the same time located in memory. For details see Row Buffer.

By Summary

"By summary" grouping allows you to group records by aggregate functions for specified sorting.

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