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Glossary - C


Cascading is a certain way of arranging open windows on the working space so that they overlap each other, with the title bar of each window remaining visible so it is easy to switch between them.


Case-sensitive refers to whether or not you need to type with strict attention to upper- or lower-case characters. For example, formula syntax is not case-sensitive, so typing ABS(3) is the same as typing abs(3). However, the password for your database connection is almost always case-sensitive, so if your password was test, the password Test would not work.


A cell is the smallest part of a cross-tab and is specified by its column and row.


A chart is a way of displaying data graphically. It is an element for your report, which can display your data in various ways - as a pie chart, a simple line graph, or as a bar graph.

Clear Reports


CLOB stands for Character Large OBject. Similar to a BLOB, it is an object stored and treated as a whole without any further structuring efforts. Unlike BLOBs, CLOBs are not stored as binary data, but as character data. This enables storing entire blocks of text data, such as ASCII or PostScript files.


A column is a vertical space in a database table that represents a particular domain of data. A column has a column name and a specific data type. For example, in a table of employee information, all of the employees' salaries would constitute one column.

Comparison Operators

Comparison Operators are used to compare different kind of data in formulas.

Concurrent Requests

Requests sent to the database which occur simultaneously are called concurrent. Usually there will be a limit to the amount of concurrent requests allowed to occur in order to prevent overload.


An expression which can be evaluated as true or false, and on the basis of which a decision is made between two consequences. For example, in the statement:
If (1=1) then a
The expression (1=1) is the condition which then defines whether or not to return a. Since this is a true statement by definition, a would always be returned.

Conditional Property

A property which is only set if a certain condition is true. In order to make a property conditional, simply check the formula box next to the property and enter a condition as the propertys formula.

Configuration (i-net Clear Reports)

Contains all properties to configure i-net Clear Reports. Configurations are stored in the Preferences of the system on which it runs, e.g. the Registry in Windows.
Configurations can be created in the System or User scope. If you use the User scope then be sure that the application is running with the same user with which you created the configuration.

Configurations can be set and managed using the Configuration Manager GUI, using the API (class ConfigurationManager) or using the command line parameters "crystalclear.config" and "crystalclear.configfile".

Configuration Manager Tool

The Configuration Manager is an easy to use graphical interface for managing your settings for i-net Clear Reports. All existing configurations are grouped by their scope and visibility and can be changed according to the current rights of the administrating user.
It can be executed as standalone application or it can be accessed from within the i-net Designer by using the menu item "Options | i-net Clear Reports Options...".

ConfigurationManager (API)

For information on changing properties programmatically, see the API documentation to the classes ConfigurationManager and Configuration.

Connection Pool

The connection pool is the collection of open connections. This pool has a limit to how many connections are allowed to be open at the same time. If the limit is reached, the pool will make any connection requests wait until one of the connections in the pool is closed, and a spot becomes free.


A constant is a value which never changes, regardless of circumstances. One example of a constant in a formula is the number 3: The number 3 will never become a different value. Constants are in contrast to variables, which can change their values.

Content Locale

Locale of the machine running i-net Clear Reports (server locale). The used currency depends on this content locale. If the property "useClientLocale" is false (see: i-net Clear Reports configuration tool) or the browser on the client does not send the locale then the content (server) locale is used for currency, date, number formatting and label translation, also.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Control Structures Operators

Control Structures Operators are used to control the sequence of execution of expressions in formulas.

Conversion Operators

Conversion Operators are used to convert one data type into another.


A copy is a duplicate of another object. To copy an object is to create a duplicate of an object in the computers memory which can then be pasted in the report. For example, you could copy a text object in your report by highlighting it by clicking on it, then pressing the key combination Ctrl+C. This creates a copy of the text object in your computers memory. In order to create a duplicate of this object, you must paste this object into your report by pressing Ctrl+V.

Core files

files which contain the contents of a database, allowing you to access a databases content without a direct connection to an actual database.

Cross tab

A cross tab is an element which displays a table, managing rows and columns composed of cells, with multiple instances of database or formula fields grouped by group fields.


Storage for the properties of i-net Clear Reports in versions previous to 8.
Since version 8, i-net Clear Reports stores its preferences in the Preferences of the system on which it runs, e.g. the Registry in Windows (see: Configuration).

Crystal Syntax

Crystal syntax is a set of syntax rules that can be used for writing formulas. These rules define which keywords can be used when in your formulas. Writing formulas can either be done in Crystal or in basic Syntax.

Crystal Reports

Third-party reporting software by SAP (formerly Business Objects), used to format, group, summarize and arrange data into the desired report format and results. i-net Clear Reports is compatible with report templates created with Crystal Reports, however, we recommend to create your templates with i-net Clear Reports Designer because it supports all features of i-net Clear Reports.


CSV stands for "Comma Separated Variable", and is a simple format for storing data ordered by columns and rows. Each row is stored as a line, and each record of each row separated by commas. It is possible to export to CSV format from within the viewer. Simply click on the export as icon, and select CSV as your export format. This will export your report as a CSV file.


To customize is to modify default values set by i-net Designer to your own specific needs.


To cut an object is to move an object from your report into your computers memory. This will not delete your object, only move it off your report. To retrieve the object, you must paste the object into your report. For example, you could cut a text object from your report by highlighting it by clicking on it, then pressing the key combination Ctrl+X. This moves the text object into your computers memory, and will cause your text object to disappear. In order to retrieve this object, you must paste this object into your report by pressing Ctrl+V.

i-net Clear Reports
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