Glossary - D

Data Axis

An axis is a dimension in a chart used for putting values at their correct spots. The data axis is the dimension of the data values themselves. For example, in a chart which maps salaries to employees, your data axis will be the dimension defining the employees salaries, since the salaries are the data values themselves which you are making a chart of.

Data Date

The date on that the data has been fetched from the database.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Data Source

A data source is any source of data for your report, usually a database connection; however, a core file is also a data source, for example.

Data Source Configuration

A data source configuration is a configured connection to a database or other source of data that can be used in your reports. It can be configured using the Data Source Manager.
The report will contain only the name of the data source and a copy of its information.

Data Source Manager

This is the central point to manage the data sources that can be used in your reports. In this sense, it is equivalent to the ODBC Manager in Windows.

Data Time

The time on that the data has been fetched from the database.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Data Time Functions

Date/Time formula functions offer a lot of possibilities to create and work with date and time values.

Data Time Zone

The time zone of the data time.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.


A database is an organized collection of related information, which enables simple and quick displaying of fields of data. There are various database types, such as MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, and others, each of which stores data slightly differently than the others.

Database Browser

The database browser is the list of data sources and table sources from which you can choose to use in order to create your report.

Database Field

A database field is a field showing the value of the current record from one column of a database table. Using the Database Wizard, you choose which database fields to use in your report, and then place these fields into your report.

Database Wizard

A dialog in i-net Designer which, among other things, enables you to set your database connection, select tables for your report, create links and joins between your tables. To access the database wizard, choose Database Wizard from the Database menu.


A default setting or value is the setting or value an object will have if it is not explicitly set or customized by the user at some point. For example, the default setting for suppressing a field object is off. This will only change if the user sets a different value for this property, in this example by checking the suppress box or creating a condition formula for suppression.

Default Values

Options category to configure the default values for newly created report elements.

Descending Axis

This option specifies which direction the axis should go. The default setting is bottom-to-top, left-to-right, that is, low values are at the bottom of vertical axes or at the left of horizontal axis, and high values are the top, or at the right, respectively.


Detail Area

The detail area is a rectangular area in your report, labeled "Detail". The detail area is rendered in your report once for each record. If your report has no records selected, the area will still be rendered once.

Drag (and Drop)

To drag an object is to move it from one place to another. This is done by clicking and holding the mouse button while hovering over the object to drag, and moving the mouse to the spot you wish to drag this object to. When you release the mouse button, you are dropping the object at this position. An example for the drag-and-drop concept is in the Database Wizard: One way to insert a table from a data source is to drag a table source from the database browser onto the Database Wizards desktop and drop it there. This will create the table source for your report.

Drill Down

To drill down is to go deeper into your report by displaying detailed info of an area, section, or subreport in a separate tab. This detailed info can be printed separately.

Drive Server Configuration

Options category to configure the report drive used by the i-net Designer.

Document Properties

In the dialog Document Properties you can set some default properties for the current report file, e.g. "Convert database null values to default". The document properties can set for main and sub-reports separately.

Dynamic Image Location

With a formula for this image property it is possible to return a dynamic path to an image which will replace the original image. The path provided in the formula should be relative to the location of the report.

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