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Glossary - F


A field is any dynamic content source for the report. values of fields are variable. The various field types are: database fields, formula fields, SQL Expression fields, prompt fields, summary fields, group name fields and special fields.

Field Browser

In the Database Wizard, the left side of the dialog is the field browser - a tree containing all available fields for the current report. To add a field to your report, simply drag the field from the field browser into the desktop on the right.


A file is an entry on a disk directory and can be anything from a Windows program to a text file to a Dynamic Linked Library file. It is also the name for one of the menus in i-net Designer with various functions such as Options, Loading, and Saving.

Format With Group Header

A formatting option which causes the Group Header and footer to be embedded into the records, rather than having them enclose the records entirely. This is for a multi-column report, causing the Group Header and footer to be formatted as one of the records in one of the columns of the multi-column part, rather than being its own area.


A short explanation of something, placed below an element. In i-net Designer, you can enter a footnote for a chart, explaining the chart or adding comments to the legend.

Format Painter

With the format painter it is possible to transfer the values of the format properties of an report element to another.


A formula is an expression following certain rules of syntax in the case of i-net Designer, either Basic Syntax or Crystal Syntax which can be evaluated to a value which must have the same data type expected by i-net Designer this could be a Boolean, a Number, or any other data type, depending on the context which the formula is in. For example, a formula defining whether or not to suppress an object must be able to be evaluated to either true or false a number would not be able to tell i-net Designer whether or not to suppress an object.

Formula Field

A field composed of a formula.

Formula Expander Class

To write your own user-defined formulas, you can specify the class you are using for your formulas under i-net Clear Reports Options in the Options menu.

i-net Clear Reports
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