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Glossary - O


Stands for Open Database Connectivity - A Microsoft standard for accessing different database systems from Windows, for instance Oracle or SQL. A JBDC-ODBC bridge exists, enabling you to use ODBC with a JDBC driver.

On Demand

An optional property of subreports, meaning that the subreport is to appear only as a hyperlink, not actually loading its data until the user drills down into the subreport. This ensures that only data which is actually used is retrieved from the database. The default value for this property is that it is off and therefore the subreport is automatically loaded and its data retrieved and shown in the report.


An operand is an object or value on which an operation is performed via an operator. For example, in the formula 3 + 5, both 3 and 5 are operands, while + is the operator.


An operator is a function symbol used for an operation on one or more operands. For example, in the formula 3 + 5, both 3 and 5 are operands, while + is the operator.


Oracle is a company which provides relational database products, development tools, and client/server applications. Its database solution is also named Oracle, and is supported by i-net Clear Reports.

Out Of Scale

A chart option which specifies whether or not to include values which are out of a given scale. For example, in a line chart which connects each value to the next, if Out of Scale is chosen, a value out of a given scale will still be connected to and from for the chart, leading to lines which can leave the scale and return.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - O