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Glossary - R


A range is a set of values between two limits. Whether or not the two limits are included in the range is defined by which to keyword is used. To exclude a limit, add an underscore (_) to the side of the to which youd like to exclude. For example, the formula 2 to 4 returns numbers 2, 3, and 4; 2 _to 4 returns the numbers 3 and 4, while 2 _to_ 4 returns only 3.

Range Operators

Range Operators enables you to create and test range values,

Record Count

The number of records that has been fetched for this report.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Record Number

The number of the current record. This number will not be reseted for each group. It is starting with 1.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.


A record is a single element of a database transaction which contains each field defined for this transaction. This is the logical equivalent to a row of a database table. Each record is displayed in its own detail section in the report, using whichever fields you have selected for each record by dragging them into the detail section.

Record Selection Formula

A record selection formula is a formula which defines which records to select for the report. It must return a Boolean value, and is evaluated for each record. If it evaluates as true, the record is selected and displayed, if it evaluates as false, the record is not selected and not displayed. By default, this formula is not set, and every record is chosen. This formula can be set in the
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.


The following "reports" are available:

  • report template: rpt file, created with i-net Clear Reports Designer, i-net Clear Reports API, etc.
  • executed (rendered) report: With data completed report template.
  • Ad Hoc Layout: Template for reports created with Ad Hoc reporting.
  • Ad Hoc reports: Report created with Ad Hoc reporting, can be stored separately, not as rpt file.

Report Author

Author of the report.It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Report Comments

Comments to the report.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Report Creation Date

Date on that the report has been created.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Report Elements

Report elements are visual design components of the report.

Report File

File name of the report.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

Report Header

The report header is a rectangular area in your report labeled "Report Header". The report header is rendered once in your report, at the very beginning of the report.

The report footer is a rectangular area in your report labeled "Report Footer". The report footer is rendered once in your report, at the very end of the report.

Report Title

Title of the report.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.


In this configuration manager category it is possible to define some restrictions for to the Java / HTML report viewer and some restrictions for the created PDF files.

Reverse Order

As the name implies, selecting reverse order orders exactly in a reverse way, that is, from highest to lowest, or from Z to A, etc.

Row Buffer

Row buffering is intended for rendering large amounts of data. Buffering rows causes the engine to only fetch parts of the data at a time, reducing memory usage, but raising the rendering time. For details see Row Buffer.


RTF stands for Rich Text Format, and is a method of encoding formatting and document structure (such as bold text, paragraphs, and font sizes) on ASCII basis. It is possible to export to RTF format from within the viewer. Simply click on the export as icon, and select RTF as your export format. This will export your report as a RTF file.

RTF - Text Interpretation


The ruler is a measuring tool to the top and to the left of your reports desktop. Its units depend on your locale settings from the Options, and it enables you to create your report with extreme accuracy.

Running Total

In aggregate functions, it is possible to keep track of a running total as you add each record into the computation of the result. This running total can be shown in charts or other functions. For example, for adding up all numbers with SUM [1,2,3,4,5], the running totals after each new record would be [1,3,6,10,15], and the result of the aggregate function would be 15.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - R