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Glossary - S


The scale defines which range of values to display on the chart, and is defined for each axis of the chart.

Scope Operators

Scope Operators defines in which context variables are accessible.


You can store your configurations in one of three different scopes: the System Scope, the User Scope, and the Temporary Scope. What this means "behind the scenes" for the storage will depend on the operating system your platform uses.


To scroll is to move up or down, or, if you scroll horizontally, left or right, in your document. To scroll, use the scroll bars to the right and bottom of the window by clicking and dragging them in the direction you wish to scroll.


A section is a visible rectangular part of an area in your report template. Areas can be divided into multiple sections.

Selection Locale

The default Locale of the machine running i-net Clear Reports (server or report locale). This locale is either the default locale of the Java environment running i-net Clear Reports or the report locale, which may be set by the current report. The server or report locale is used for currency, date, number formatting and label translation. This locale is the default for the client and content locales, which have a higher priority.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.

See: Content Locale


A database server is a computer running a program which specializes in storing and fetching data in and from a database and providing services to clients which connect to it. Various well-known database servers are MySQL, MS SQL, and Oracle.

Server Locale


Stands for Selection Formula. You are able to specify a record selection formula which takes each record resulting from your reports structure and selects only those for which the formula returns the boolean true. For example, your record selection formula could be {Employees.Salary} > 10000, and only those records for which the column salary from the table Employees is greater than 10000 would be selected and added to your report. By default, there is no record selection formula.

Similarly, you can specify a group selection formula which does the same as the record selection formula, except it specifies which groups to select or not.


Shadow is a formatting option which gives an object a slightly 3-dimensional look by bordering the bottom and right parts of the object.

Sort Direction

With the Sort Direction Formula you can define sort direction of records and groups in your report. To create this formula use Sort Records Wizard and Group Dialog.

Sorting Orders (Specified, By Summary)

Specific sorting allows you to specify a condition for each group, which values are to be added to this group. By Summary sorting groups by using an aggregate function on one of the columns in the records and groups each summary.

Special Field

A special field is a field returning special values of your report, such as print date, page number, record index, etc.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a standard programming language specifically designed for retrieving and storing information on databases. Most database solutions rely on SQL, and often there are proprietary extensions to the standard language itself.

SQL Expression Field

An SQL expression field is a field including an SQL expression, which you can write in the native SQL syntax of your database management system. The expression will be directly inserted into the SELECT part of the SQL statement and evaluated on your database, and can therefore be much faster than using a formula field. It then describes one column of the result.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation tells how spread out numbers are from the average, and is calculated by taking the square root of the arithmetic average of the squares of the deviations from the mean in a frequency distribution. This function can be used with the keyword StdDev.

Stored Procedure

A set of SQL statements that is stored under a procedure name so that the statements can be executed as a group by the database server. Stored procedures can also be set to run under a certain set of parameters.


A string is a sequence of characters combined, such as String Number 1. Strings can be added to each other, such as "You are" + "so smart" = "You are so smart"

String Functions

String functions are used to convert, evaluate, manipulate and compare strings.

String Operators

String operators are used to operate with string variables, such as concatenate or extract strings.


A subreport is an element which can display a separate report in its entirety, or can link to its contents via the "On Demand" option. It is also possible to drill down into the subreport to make changes to the subreport from within.

A subreport link is an object you can embed in your report which links to a subreport, basically a link to a different report within a report. It is the connection between the main report and a subreport.


A substring is an ordered character sequence directly taken from another string, so abc is not a substring of cba, but lint is a substring of Bill Clinton.

Summary Field

A summary field is a field returning aggregate function values from multiple records.

Summary Functions

Summary functions offer a lot of possibilities to summarize field values. All summary functions have the ability to group the summaries (see summary conditions).


Suppress is a property specifying whether or not an element is displayed in the report or not. Often you will want to specify a property formula for this property, which will then enable you to suppress only certain records or record fields, not all.

Suppress if Duplicated

A property of elements specifying whether or not the element is to be suppressed if its value is duplicate, that is, if it already has been displayed. This is similar to setting a UNIQUE property of an SQL selection. This is especially useful in combination with "suppress blank section", since this avoids having blank sections.

Suppress on Drill Down

A property of sections specifying whether or not the section is to be suppressed on drill down tabs.

Suppress Blank Section

A property of sections specifying whether or not the section is be suppressed for records with no information, that is, if there are no elements which contain data.


SVG is a JavaBean which can display a SVG file using the library svgsalamander.


A syntax is a set of structural and grammatical rules defining how keywords and language symbols are allowed to be combined in order to form expressions defined by the language. With i-net Clear Reports, you are allowed to use Basic or Crystal syntax in the formulas (see: syntax comparison).

System Scope

The System scope is viewable by all users who have read access to system properties. On many systems, the System scope is only writeable by administrators or users with system privileges. Typical uses of this scope would be for deployments on application servers which run as a different user than the normal user, and therefore could not see configurations stored in the User scope. It's also conceivable to store a system-wide scope for various different users in order to not have to create and configure multiple configurations for multiple users.

System Tables

System tables are database tables containing system information such as administration and user rights, etc. Usually you will not include information from these in your reports, since they do not contain actual database data, rather system information.

System Properties

With the system properties it is possible to configure the i-net Designer. For more information about the system properties, see: System Properties.

i-net Clear Reports
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