Glossary - T

Table Source

A table source is any source of data from a database. This can be: A stored procedure, a table, a system, or a view.

Temporary Scope

Storing configurations in this scope will cause the configuration to only work as long as the session runs. As soon as the Java VM is terminated, the configuration will be lost. These configurations are not stored in the Preferences, but are rather held in memory as Properties objects.

Text Interpretation

The property Text Interpretation specifies the input format (plain text, rtf or html) for a field.


(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) - The protocols, or conventions, that computers use to communicate over the Internet.

Text Objects

A text object is an object in your report which simply contains text and whose content does not depend on data from the database.

Tile All

A window display method in which all windows are tiled and given equal space, allowing each one to be visible at the same time, however giving less space to each than the Cascade method.


A toolbar is a collection of functions into a bar of icons, easily accessible to the user. In i-net Designer, the toolbar at the top of the window provides various useful functions for reports.


When grouping by aggregate functions, top-n ordering allows you to choose only a certain number of groups (n) with the largest values of all groups.

Total Page Count

The number of pages in the report.
It can be added to the report as Special Field or it can be used as function in a formula.


The Translations Settings allows you to create, edit, remove, import, and/or export translations for a report. These translations will be stored in the report file and will be used when the report is executed. To open it choose "Translations..." from the report menu.


To truncate a string or a number is to discard leading or ending characters from the object. For example, a string discard could be truncated to disc.

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