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Glossary - U

Underlay Following Sections

This is a section property which causes this section to be displayed beneath each following section. For example, you could insert a bitmap picture into a section, select this property and this would cause this bitmap to be used as a background for your report.


Undo allows you to take back your last action in i-net Designer. You can access the undo function with the key combination Ctrl+Z, if it is available.


A unit is the smallest measurement used for something - for a picture this could be pixels or twips.

User Scope

The User Scope is only visible to the user it belongs to, i.e. configurations stored in the User scope by user A will not be visible to user B. This scope is useful for situations where there is only one user on the system, since the user scope is almost always writeable and readable by that user.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - U