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Tab Date

In this tab you change the date format of a date based element. There are a number of list boxes, text fields and buttons for the different date properties.
Save your changes by pressing the 'OK' button or leave the dialog by 'Cancel'.


Set the format to 'System Default Long Format', 'System Default Medium Format', 'System Default Short Format' or 'Custom Format'.
If 'Custom Format' is selected, the following properties are available.


Choose the number format for day, month and year numeral. Set one, two or none (none displayed) digits.


Change the display order of year, month and day numerals.


Set the separators and define prefix and suffix.

Day of week

Choose in list box 'Type', if you want to display the day of week. Then set position, separator and bracket property.

Property Formulas

All properties can also be set by property formula. See the date constants for more information about the available constants and the return values these property formulas should have.

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Help - Date Properties