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Tab Java Bean

In this category it is possible to configure the properties of the Java Beans.

Available bean properties

A table showing the current beans' properties that can be set using i-net Designer. To assign a static value to a bean property, edit the value in the 'Value' column. Use the Formula button to assign a formula to a bean property.

Take a screenshot, then insert image into report

This produces an pixel image of the bean and draws the image to the report.


  • The output looks the same in all output formats as in the designer.


  • When printing and zooming the bean can look jagged.
  • In most cases, the output data will be larger.
  • In most cases, using this option will need more time for rendering.

Map graphics calls directly to report renderer

This produces a vector image of the bean if the output format supports it. If an error occurs while painting, then the renderer will fall back to drawing a pixel image instead. This can occur if the bean is using less common paint operations such as texture painting.


  • It looks smooth when printing or zooming.
  • In most cases the output data is smaller.
  • In most cases, using this option will cause the report to be rendered faster.


  • The output's look can vary between output formats.


The scaling of the Bean changes the proportions of the bean. It will never change the size, however. If you want change the size then you can do it with dragging the element to be larger.Usually, this option will be used to scale the fonts of a bean. This option will also have an effect on the width of lines.

See Also:

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - JavaBean Properties