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Tab Number

This tab is only visible for report elements based on a number. By default the language dependent format is used.

Number Type

  • Integer: the whole number only (property formula constant "integernumberformat")
  • Currency: the number including the currency symbol (property formula constant "currencynumberformat")
  • Fractional: the number including its decimal digits (property formula constant "fractionalnumberformat")
  • Percent: the number multiplied by 100, with a percent sign (property formula constant "percentnumberformat")
  • Use Custom Format: Use your own customized number format (property formula constant "usecustomformat")

Suppress if Zero

If checked this element will be suppressed if its value or rounded value is zero.


Choose the number of decimals to be shown.

If you are using the formula to select the number of decimal digits, you have to return the number from the formula. Returning 0 implies no decimal places.

Example: if you'd like to define two decimal digits the formula has to return 2, which corresponds to selecting 1.00 from the list.


Choose where to round the number. The Decimals and Rounding values depend on each other and may change automatically.

Be aware that there is an exception in setting these value per formula. If you are using the formula for rounding the value it sets the index, at which decimal place the rounding should be done.

Example: if you'd like to round to four decimal places, return a 4. If you'd like to round to full thousands, return a -3 which is equal to selecting the 1,000 list item.

Rounding Mode

Choose the Rounding modes for the number.


Choose the style for negatives.

Reverse Sign

Reverse the sign of the given value.

Allow Field Clipping

Usually a field is clipped when the value does not fit into its designed space. As this might give wrong values (8 clipped to 3) you may want to disable this, but its better to correct the size of the field in design.

Decimal Separator

The separator used between the integer and fractional part.

Use Thousands Separator

Show a thousands separator or not.

Thousands Separator

Choose the thousands separator.

Use Leading Zero

Check this to show a leading zero if the integer part of the number is zero.

Show Zero Values as

Choose what to display if the value or rounded value is zero.

Currency Type

You can choose between showing no symbol or showing a floating symbol (attached to the value) or fixed symbol.

Currency Position

Choose where to show the currency symbol relative to number and sign. There are always four items with principle meaning as follows:

  • leading currency, negative inside
  • leading currency, negative outside
  • trailing currency, negative inside
  • trailing currency, negative outside

Be aware that the items of this box may change corresponding to your settings for currency symbol and negatives type. So it is possible that there are equal items in this list box.

Currency Separator

The separator between currency symbol and value.

Currency Symbol

The currency symbol to use.

One Currency Symbol per Page

Specifies if the currency symbol will be displayed for all records of a field or only for the first record on a page.

Property Formulas

Note that all properties can also be set by property formula. See the formula constants for help on which return values these property formulas should have.

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Help - Number Properties