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Tab Paragraph

On the paragraph tab you can set various indents and line spacing properties needed for this element's text. The indents can be set using any unit that is desired.

  • First Line Indent (1) - this indent specifies how far apart the first line is to be set from the rest of the paragraph's left indent.
  • Left Indent (2) - this indent specifies how far the paragraph is to be indented from the left side of the element.
  • Right Indent (3) - this indent specifies how far the right side of the text is to be indented from the right side of the element.
  • Line Spacing(4) - the line spacing determines how far apart each individual line is to be spaced. There are two ways of specifying the line spacing - either as a relative factor (1.0 being the default, 2.0 being twice as far apart as normal, etc.), or in an absolute unit.


  • Negative indents are allowed (moving the indents in the opposite direction), however it is possible that text might be truncated if unreasonable indents are chosen.
  • A line spacing setting may not be negative, but may however be 0 (which would cause lines to be display on top of each other).

See Also:

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Help - Paragraph Properties