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Report Fields

Report fields, shortly named fields, are links to the sources of information. The report fields make your reports dynamically and not static like a text document. i-net Designer supports different types of report fields. All available fields are listed in the tree of the Field Browser. There are follow types of fields are available.

Database Fields

A database field is a link to a column in a table of a database. The value of such field is changing for every record. You need to create a database configuration before database fields are available.

Formula Fields

A formula field is based on a more or less complex user defined formula. You need to create a formula before you can use it.

Group Name Fields

A group name field is a field that returns the name of group. The name of a group is displayed in the group tree of the report. By default this field returns the value of the field that's grouping. But there is also the option to customize it.

Parameter Fields

A parameter field (or named prompt field) is field that include a parameter from the user that execute the report. If the user have not set the parameter then the viewer will prompt for it. The value is static for all records. It can be configured in the parameter field properties dialog.

SQL Expression Fields

A SQL expression field is like a database field. The difference is only that the link is showing to a native SQL expression else a single table column. So one SQL expressions purpose is to use non standard functions of your specific DBMS.
These fields will be part of the report select query. (see SQL Expression Editor)

Summary Fields

A summary field is a field that returns a calculated value from the records of one group or all records. Currently there are 19 summary operations available (see: Summy Field Properties) ). Not all operations are available for all fields. For example you can't calculate the sum from strings.

Available summary functions:

With the option "Running Total" you can specify if the value is changed for every row. For example you can use the count function. Without running total you receive the count of rows on all places of the record. With running total you receive the current record number. (The Special Field "Record Number" is faster as such running total)

Please note: a running total summary field will consume more memory since it's value has to be stored for every row.

See Also:

i-net Clear Reports
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