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Special Fields

With special fields different document properties and print states can be displayed in the report. The following special fields are available.

Special Fields for Document Properties

name description
Content Locale Locale of the machine running i-net Clear Reports (server locale). The used currency depends on this content locale. If the property "Use Client Locale" is disabled (see menu item: "Options –> i-net Clear Reports Options...") or the browser on the client does not send the locale then the content (server) locale is used for currency, date, number formatting and label translation, also.
Current User Name Username of the web user currently viewing this report. If the current user is not logged on in the web server then it returns an empty string. The web username is different than the name returned by the function UserName(number). i-net Clear Reports does not have its own login system, rather it uses the Single Sign-On of the web server. For testing this function with the i-net Designer, you can set a web username in the tab "Other" of the Designer Options dialog.
Data Date Date on that the data was fetched
Data Time Time on that the data was fetched
Data Time Zone Time zone of the data time
Modification Date Date on that the report has been modified
Modification Time Time on that the report has been modified
Print Date Date on that the report has been printed
Print Time Time on that the report has been printed
Print Time Zone Time zone of the print time
Report Author Author of the report
Report Comments Comments
Report Creation Date Date on that the report has been created
Report File File name of the report
Report Tile Title of the report
Selection Locale Default locale of the machine running i-net Clear Reports (server or report locale). This locale is either the default locale of the Java environment running i-net Clear Reports or the report locale, which may be set by the current report. The server or report locale is used for currency, date, number formatting and label translation. This locale is the default for the client and content locales, which have a higher priority.

Special Fields for Print States

name description
Group Number Number of the current group. It starts with 1 and is incremented when an inner group contains a record.
Group Selection Formula Group Selection Formula
Page N of M Displays a localized string where N is the current Page Number and M is the Total Page Count of the report
Page Number Page number of the current report page
Record Count Number of records has been fetched for this report
Record Number Number of the current record (will not be reset for each group/ starting with 1)
Record Selection Formula Record Selection Formula
Total Page Count Number of pages in the report

The same values can be used in formulas using the Document Properties functions and the Print State functions.

See Also:

i-net Clear Reports
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