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Tab Document Properties

You can open this dialog with the menu item "Report | Document Properties...".
With the document properties you setup some rendering options for this report.

  • Convert database null values to default - If activated the program convert null values from the database to default (0 for numeric fields, a blank for string fields or empty array for binary).
  • Suppress report if no rows - If activated an empty report will be created if there are no data for the detail section of the report. The result will then be a blank page. The export and print button in the report viewer will be disabled.
  • Select distinct records - If activated an only distinct records will be returned all others will be discarded.
  • Show suppressed group tree nodes - This flag controls the showing of nodes in the group tree. This hides all suppressed nodes (with magnifier icon) in the group tree if the flag is disabled.
  • Hide the page footer inside the report header - This flag has only an effect if the report header is larger as a page. This flag can be helpful if your report has a cover. With this flag you can use the full size of the page for the report header.
  • Disable filtering - This option should be enabled in combination with setData, setSql or the use of a sql command only. By enabling this option the filter defined by the record selection formula will be ignored. This is important if the data provided by setData, setSql or the sql command is filtered already.
  • Disable sorting - This option should be enabled in combination with setData, setSql or the use of a sql command only. By enabling this option the sorting defined by sort fields and groups will be ignored. This is important if the data provided by setData, setSql or the sql command is sorted already.Note: This option will be ignored if you're using at least one group in the report with specified sort order, order by summary or hierarchical grouping.
  • Row Buffer - Row buffering is intended for rendering large amounts of data. Buffering rows causes the engine to only fetch parts of the data at a time, reducing memory usage, but raising the rendering time. In order to use row buffering, the report should not contain groups, summary functions, charts, cross-tabs, or the Special Field "Record Count". To use row buffering, set the buffer size in the field "Row Buffer". The field is disabled whenever this report is not suited for buffering of rows, e.g. if it contains a group. We advise to set this at 30000 rows. The minimum size of buffer is 3 rows. A row count of 0 disables the row buffer. Decrease this value if the engine throws an OutOfMemoryError but note that this increases the rendering time also.
  • Use Report Locale - Sets the formula/resource default locale for the current report. If the report locale is set, any call to get the servers default locale will return the report locale instead, while the report gets rendered.
    Uncheck the checkbox to use the default locale for this report.
  • Save data source configuration in report file - A copy of the data source configuration is saved in the report file. If you deploy the report on the server and there is no data source with the same name then this information is used as a backup.
    In the rpt file you can see the configuration details of the database like user name and JDBC URL. With the API it is possible to also read the password of the database connection. If you are going to send the rpt file outside your enterprise then you should not save this information.
i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Document Properties