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Specified Order


In this dialog you can specify your own sort order for the current group. You define the groups and specify the individual values that belong in each group.

To specify a new group click the "New" button to open the Formula Editor Dialog where you can enter a name for this group and a formula. The return type of the formula must be Boolean.

For example if you want to sort the city names in a particular order, you define the elements you want to see in the list of the Specified Sort Order Dialog. Create three elements. Write as formula for each elements, e.g. "{Employee_Addresses.City} like CityName" where CityName is "L*", "V*" and "R*".
Move the elements with the up and down buttons to match the correct order.

The data in the report will look like the following:

  • Defined name cities starts with L
    • London ...
  • Defined name cities starts with V
    • Vancouver ...
  • Defined name cities starts with R
    • Richmond ...
  • Other cities
    • ...

On the right side of the Dialog you can choose what should be done with values (unselected fields) that don't fall into any of the specified groups (the 'Others')

Discard others

Select this option if you do not want to print the 'Others' in the groups for your report.

Create group for each

Your specified groups will be shown in the order you specified. Unselected groups are
displayed normally.

Create one "others" group

Select this option and enter a name if you want to put all unselected fields in one group. The default name
for this group is "Other".

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Specified Order