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Translation Settings

The translation settings allows you to create, edit, remove, import, and/or export translations for a report so that it is possible to create one report for multiple languages. The translation resources will be stored in the report file and will be used during the execution of the report. To open it choose "Translations..." from the report menu.

Translation Settings

Creating and Editing a new translation

To add a new translation to a report click on the plus "+" button on the lower left area of this dialog and a new row will appear in the translation table. This table shows all existing translations of the current report. Now select the locale for the newly created translation by choosing a language from the combo box or by typing in the locale shortcut, e.g. : "en" or "en_US". After that you can edit the translations by clicking the editing icon at the right of the row. This will open a new dialog, the language editor, where all keys (strings in the report which can be translated) are listed. Now you can enter a translation in the column labeled with "Translation" for each key. The row of a key which currently has no translation will be marked red. If you already have a translation in another language you can show a column containing translations of this language as a reference by choosing the language from the combo box. Finally, press the OK button to commit your changes and you will return to the translation settings dialog again.

Export and Import

If you have a report with translations of one or more languages you can export these translations as *.xml or *.properties file to your local file system. To export one language click on the export icon on the right of the row representing the language you want to export. Now a file chooser will open and you can choose the location and the name of the target file. The file name should have the following format: <your_name>_<localeshortcut>.xml or <your_name>_<localeshortcut>.properties. For the language English the file name could look like this:

  • translations_en.properties
  • translations_en.xml

Importing one or more translations to a report can be done by clicking the import button on the lower left area of the translation settings dialog. After that a file chooser will open, where you can select one or more files to import. IMPORTANT: The existing languages will be merged with the imported, so any existing values will be replaced. The file will be imported as the language determined by the ending of the filename. For example the file "example_en.properties" will be imported as the language/locale "english" while "example_en_US.properties" will be imported as the language/locale "english/US". If the locale shortcut is missing, it will be imported as the default language/locale.

Remove Translations

To remove a translation or language from a report just click on the remove button in the row you want to delete.

RTL languages

If the report contains a RTL language (language are read from right to left), e.g. Arabic, then the layout is mirrored, if:

  • a global translation (resource bundle for multiple reports) or a translation in the report file exists for this language
  • the option "Use Client Locale" is enabled in the used configuration.

Other Options

Keep formatted blocks together: Enable this option to translate every paragraph in one step. In the other case every text part of the paragraph will be translate separately.
For example: If "Yes" is enabled and the report contains a text field with an embedded field, e.g. the special field {Data Date}, then you will see the complete content of the text field in the Language Editor as one entry and "{0}" as placeholder for the special field. The position of the placeholder "{0}" in the translation can differ from language to language.
If "No" is enabled, then you will see two entries in the Language Editor, one for the part before the special field {Data Date} and one for the part behind the special field.

Resource Bundle Name: Setting a module language name gives you the ability to use a single resource bundle for multiple reports. This resource bundle will be used by all reports which have set the same resource bundle name, this is analogous to the global resource bundle, which can be set in the Configuration Manager.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Translation Settings