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Returns the datetime value of the argument.


CDateTime( x )
CDateTime( x, y )
CDateTime( YYYY, MM, DD )
CDateTime( YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS )


x either a string or a date or a number to be converted to a datetime value. If a string, it must be one which is able to be interpreted as a datetime, such as "September 23, 2004, 12:45 p.m.". If a number, then measured in days since December 30,1899 (note this number can be fractional - CDateTime(623456.4412) is Dec. 17, 2006 at 10:35:19 AM.) See CDate for a list of supported string formats.
y if x is a date, then y is a time value [OPTIONAL - only if x is a date]
YYYY a whole number specifying the year of the datetime
MM a whole number specifying the month of the datetime
DD a whole number specifying the month's day of the datetime
HH a whole number specifying the hour of the datetime
MM a whole number specifying the minutes of the datetime
SS a whole number specifying the seconds of the datetime


The output format depends on the locale set in the report. If no locale is specified for the report, the server locale will be used instead.

Important: The client locale has no influence on the result.


CDateTime(623456.4412)          // Returns 12/17/06 10:35:19 AM
CDateTime(1981,04,15,02,15,02)  // Returns 04/15/81 2:15:02 AM
i-net Clear Reports
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