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Returns a string representation of the value.


CStr( x )
CStr( x, y )
CStr( x, y, z )
CStr( x, y, z, w )
CStr( x, y, z, w, q )


Converting a Boolean

x a Boolean value that is converted to a string (either "true" or "false")

Converting a Number or Currency

x a number or currency value to be converted (can be a whole number or a decimal number)
y a number specifying how many decimal places of x to include in the string [OPTIONAL, default is 2]
z the character to separate thousands with [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale]
w the character to use for the decimal point [OPTIONAL, default depends on your local]

Converting a Number or Currency With Formatting Options

x a number or currency value to be converted (can be a whole number or a decimal number)
y the text string specifying how to format the string representation (see formatting patterns)
z How many decimal places of x to include in the string [OPTIONAL, default is 2]
w the character to separate thousands with [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale]
q the character to use for the decimal point [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale]

Converting Date, Time, or DateTime Values

x a date, time, or datetime to convert to a string
y the text string specifying how to format the string representation (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale]
z the text string to use for "A.M." (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale - only for time and datetime]
w the text string to use for "P.M." (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale - only for time and datetime]


The following examples assume you have an English (U.S.) locale - it may look different in your locale:

CStr(976.4441)    // Returns "976.44"
CStr((1=1))       // Returns "True"
CStr(976.4441,3)  // Returns "976.444"
CStr(1234567.987,1,"*","?")  // Returns "1*234*568?0"
CStr(CDate(1981, 4, 15), "MMM dd, YYYY, dddd")  // Returns "April 15, 1981, Wednesday"
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