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Adds a number of specified intervals to the start date.

The parameter intervalType specifies a string specification of the date part that should extracted:

  • yyyy: the year
  • q: the quarter
  • m: the month
  • d: the day
  • w: the week day
  • ww: the week in this year
  • h: the hour
  • n: the minutes
  • s: the seconds


DateAdd( intervalType, nIntervals, startDateTime )


intervalType String specification of the date part that should extracted.
nIntervals Number of intervalls that will be added.
startDateTime Specifies the start date to that the number of intervalls will be added.




DateAdd( "yyyy", 1, DateTime (2009, 12, 23))
-> Returns the datetime 12/23/2010 12:00:00 AM.
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