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Date Format constants

Can be used in the property formulas to format a date or datetime field (see Date Properties).

Date Type constants

Can be used in the property formula "Date Type" to define the type of a date or datetime field.

Constant Value Type Example
longdateformat 0 System Default Long Format "Tuesday, August 9, 2004"
mediumdateformat 3 System Default Medium Format "Aug 9, 2004"
shortdateformat 1 System Default Short Format "8/9/04"
usecustomformat 2 Custom Format Allows you to set the format properties yourself.

Day constants

Can be used in the property formula "Day" to define the number format of the day numeral.

Constant Value Format Example
numericday 0 1 "2004/08/9"
leadingzeroday 1 01 "2004/08/09"
noday 2 None "2004/08"

Month constants

Can be used in the property formula "Month" to define the format of the month numeral.

Constant Value Format Example
numericmonth 0 1 "2004/8/09"
leadingzeromonth 1 01 "2004/08/09"
shortmonth 2 Jan "2004/Aug/09"
longmonth 3 January "2004/August/09"
nomonth 4 None "2004/09"

Year constants

Can be used in the property formula "Year" to define the number format of the year numeral.

Constant Value Format Example
shortyear 0 09 "04/08/09"
longyear 1 2009 "2004/08/09"
noyear 2 None "08/09"

Order constants

Can be used in the property formula "Order" to define the display order of the day, month and year numerals.

Constant Value Order Example
yearmonthday 0 YMD "2004/08/09"
daymonthyear 1 DMY "09/08/2004"
monthdayyear 2 MDY "08/09/2004"

Day of Week type constants

Can be used in the property formula "Day of week type" to define the format of the day of week.

Constant Value Type Example
shortdayofweek 0 Short "Mon 2004/08/09"
longdayofweek 1 Long "Monday 2004/08/09"
nodayofweek 2 None "2004/08/09"

Day of Week position constants

Can be used in the property formula "Day of week position" to define the position of the day of week.

Constant Value Position Example
leadingdayofweek 0 Leading "Monday 2004/08/09"
trailingdayofweek 1 Trailing "2004/08/09 Monday"

Day of Week enclosure constants

Can be used in the property formula "Day of week enclosure" to define if the day of week will be enclosed in round or square brackets or if it will be not enclosed in brackets.

Constant Value Enclose in Example
dayofweeknotenclosed 0 None "Monday 2004/08/09"
dayofweekinparentheses 1 () "(Monday) 2004/08/09"
dayofweekinfwparentheses 2 () * "(Monday) 2004/08/09"
dayofweekinsquarebrackets 3 [] "[Monday] 2004/08/09"
dayofweekinfwsquarebrackets 4 [] * "[Monday] 2004/08/09"

* full-width brackets, available in Japanese fonts.

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