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Scope operators

Use the scope operator to declare the availability of variables in the report.


The following scopes are available in Basic syntax:

  • Dim - Can only be used in the formula itself. This operator is equivalent to Local.
  • Global - Can be used in all formulas in the report.
  • Local - Can only be used in the formula itself. This operator is equivalent to Dim.
  • Shared - Can be used in all formulas in the main report and all sub-reports. These variables are shared between main and sub-reports.


Rem Formula "Initialize"
Global x As Number
x = 0
formula = x
Rem Formula "Summarize"
Global x As Number
x = x + 1
formula = x
Rem Formula "Print Value"
Global x As Number
formula = x
i-net Clear Reports
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Help - Dim (Basic Syntax)