{{getMsg('Help_YouAreHere')}}: {{page.title}} {{page.title}}
{{$root.getMsg("downLoadHelpAsPdf")}} {{helpModel.downloadHelpPdfDataStatus}}


Terminates the execution of the current report and fires an access denied message to the client. In some environments it forces the user to login. This depends on the configuration of the web server because i-net Clear Reports does not have its own login system and it uses the Single Sign-On mechanism of the web server.

For testing this function with the i-net Designer, you can set a web username in the tab "Other" of the Designer Options dialog and then check for the user name with IsWebUserInRole. See the example below




Returns nothing because it terminates the report execution.


If not IsWebUserInRole( "Admins" ) then 
i-net Clear Reports
This application uses cookies to allow login. By continuing to use this application, you agree to the use of cookies.

Help - FireAccessDenied