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Format pattern elements for date/time values and numbers

Format patterns can be used to format date, time and number values.

System Formats for date/time values

To use the system date/time formats the following patterns constants are available:

Pattern Constant Description
short systemShort Short date/time format. e.G. 12/24/09 or 11:30 AM
medium systemMedium Medium date/time format. e.G. Dec 24, 2009 or 11:30:00 AM
long systemLong Long date/time format. e.G. Thursday, December 24, 2009 or 11:30:00 AM GMT+01:00

Note: The pattern is a case-insensitive string value while constant is a normal keyword.

Format pattern elements for date/time values:

yy the last two digits of the year component
yyyy all digits of the year component
M the month component with single digit if month component has leading zero otherwise two digits
MM the month component with two digits (first is zero if only one digit in month component)
MMM the monthname in short representation (3 letters)
MMMM the full monthname
d the day component with single digit if day has leading zero otherwise two digits
dd the day component with two digits (first is zero if only one digit in day component)
ddd the dayname in short representation (3 letters)
dddd the full dayname
h 12h representation with one digit if hours component has leading zero otherwise two digits
hh 12h representation with always two digits (first is zero if only one digit in hours component)
H 24h representation with one digit if hours component has leading zero otherwise two digits
HH 24h representation with always two digits (first is zero if only one digit in hours component)
m the minutes conponent with one digit if minutes component has leading zero otherwise two digits
mm the minutes component with two digits (first is zero if only one digit in minutes component)
s the seconds conponent with one digit if seconds component has leading zero otherwise two digits
ss the seconds component with two digits (first is zero if only one digit in seconds component)
t single character indication if hours in the morning or evening
tt double character indication if hours in the morning or evening
W week of the month
ww week of the year


pattern result
yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss 2003.05.08 16:32
dddd d/M/yy hh:mm tt Monday 4/8/03 4:33 p.m.
ddd, MMM d, 'yy Mon, Aug 5 '03
yyMMddHHmmss 050804071245

Default formats for number values

To use the default formats for number the following patterns are available:

Pattern Constant Description
integer integerFormat Integer format, rounds off all decimal places. E.g. 100
decimal decimalFormat Fractional format which displays up to two decimal placed. E.g. 100.12
percent percentFormat Percentage format with 1 as reference. E.g. 1 = 100%, 0.45 = 45%
scientific scientificFormat Scientific format. Formats the number as mantissa and exponent. The mantissa will be between 1 and 10. E.g. 123 = 1.23E2
engineer engineerFormat Engineer format. Similar to the scientific format, but with mantissa between 1 and 1000 and an exponent which is a multiple of 3. E.g. 12345 = 12.345E3

Note: The pattern is a case-insensitive string value while constant is a normal keyword. This format is only valid for numbers, not for currency values.

Format pattern elements for number values:

# the position of one digit. If pattern has more # than value digits than spaces will be inserted.
0 the position of one digit. If pattern has more # than value digits than zeros will be inserted.
. (point) the position of the decimal separator symbol
, (comma) the position of the thousands separator symbol


pattern original value result
###,###.## 56283645.32 56,283,645.32
###,###.000 56283645.32 56,283,645.320
000.0000 2.5 002.5000
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