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This function checks the prompt field for whether the user entered a value for the prompt or not. This is simply determined by checking whether the prompt field has a value set for it AND whether it is more than just an empty string. Note that any parameter type is allowed, not just a prompt field - the function will simply check the parameter for whether it is not null and not an empty string.


HasValue( promptfield )


promptfield prompt field to check whether it has a value (also allowed to be any other value or field if you want to check them for whether they are null and not empty)


True, if promptfield is not null AND not an empty string.


HasValue ({?myprompt}) // Returns True if the prompt's value was set, False otherwise
HasValue ("")          // Returns False.
HasValue (null)        // Returns False
HasValue (1)           // Returns True.

See also:

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - HasValue