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If statements

The If statement enables you to insert a branch in your control sequence. Depending on this condition one or another sequence of statements will be executed.

When the If statement is used in a property formula or the record selection formula, then an Else branch should be included always so that the formula returns the correct return value type.


If //(condition)// Then (
		//(statement1) //
		//(statement2) //
) Else (
		//(statement4) //
If //(condition)// Then //(statement) // Else //(statement)// // the line break is optional


If {Orders.quantity}>100 Then
	{Products.price} * 0.89
StringVar forecolor;
StringVar backcolor;
If PageNumber = 1 Then (
	forecolor := "red";
	backcolor := "blue";
) Else (
	forecolor := "black";
	backcolor := "white";
forecolor + " and " + backcolor;
i-net Clear Reports
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Help - If statement (Crystal)