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Returns the leftmost starting position of one string inside another.


InStr( string1, string2 )
InStr( start, string1, string2 )
InStr( string1, string2, compare )
InStr( start, string1, string2, compare )


string1 The input string to check to see the position of a substring
string2 The substring to search for in x.
start The starting position to start searching in x [OPTIONAL, default is 0]
compare This decides whether to compare case-sensitive(0) or not (1) [OPTIONAL, default is 0]


A number.


Crystal Syntax:

inStr( "bdacbcdbc","abc" )	// Returns 0
inStr( "bcdabcbcdabc","abc" )	// Returns 4.

Basic Syntax:

formula = inStr( 5,"bcdabcbcdabc","abc" ) // Returns 10

See also:

i-net Clear Reports
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