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Math functions

Math functions offer a lot of algebraic and numerical functions.
Click on a function name to get more information about it.

  • Abs - absolute value
  • Atn - arcus tangens
  • Cos - cosinus
  • Exp - exponential function (base 10)
  • Fix - fix, rounds down
  • Int - integer, rounds down
  • Log - logarithm (base 10)
  • Remainder - remainder of a division
  • Rnd - random number generator
  • Round - rounds half up
  • Sgn - signum of a number
  • Sin - sinus
  • Sqr - square root
  • Tan - tangens
  • Truncate - truncates a number
  • Ceiling - rounds towards positive infinty
  • Floor - rounds towards negative infinty
  • RoundUp - Runds to next integer, in case of half away from zero
  • MRound - normal round but with multiple
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