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Returns the percentage part of this record from the maximum for all records for this field matching the condition y.


PercentOfMaximum( fld, condFld )
PercentOfMaximum( fld, condFld, cond )


fld The name of a field or array variable whose values should be used to calculate the percentage value.
condFld The name of the field that groups the values of fld (if fld isn't an array).
cond A string declaring the type of grouping to be used on condFld. This only makes sense for groups based on Date, DateTime, Time, and Boolean fields. See Summary Field Conditions for a list of strings you can use here.


A number.


PercentOfMaximum({Product.Unit_Price}, {Product.Category})
// returns the percentage part of the maximum of unit price of a given product category.


  • If the values in fld should be grouped, a group based on condFld is needed. If the group does not exist in the report, you can add it using i-net Designer or using API method: Engine.addGroup.

See also:

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - PercentOfMaximum