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Returns the inputString with the occurences of findString replaced by replaceString. Optionally you can give a start position and the maximum number of replacements.


Replace( x, y, z )
Replace( x, y, z, w )
Replace( x, y, z, w, q )
Replace( x, y, z, w, q, r )


x The string to replace occurences for
y The part of the input string to be replaced
z The string to replace y in x
w The index of the place to start replacing in the input string [OPTIONAL, default 0]
q The maximum number of times to replace the string, -1 to never stop [OPTIONAL, default -1]
r Whether or not to look case-sensitive - 0 if case-sensitive, 1 if not [OPTIONAL, default 0]




replace("abc","b","d")         // Returns "adc"
replace("abcdefabc","b","d")   // Returns "adcdefadc"
replace("abc","b","d",2)       // Returns "abc"
replace("abcdefabc","b","d",2) // Returns "abcdefadc"
replace("abcdefabcdefabc","b","d",2,1)  // Returns "abcdefadcdefabc"
replace("ABCdefabc","b","d",1,1,1)      // Returns "AdCdefadc"
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