{{getMsg('Help_YouAreHere')}}: {{page.title}} {{page.title}}
{{$root.getMsg("downLoadHelpAsPdf")}} {{helpModel.downloadHelpPdfDataStatus}}


Returns the relative start position of the current section in relation to the printable height of this page. The printable height for a section is pageHeight - footerHeight.

This means, that the SectionPosition for the first section(in most cases the page header) is 0. For any following section up to the footer the value is between 0 and 1. When called inside the page footer, the function always returns 1.

This value is only changes per section so it's primarily use is to trigger page breaks by section position or to use it in a suppress formula

Note: SectionPosition is only useful for paged render formats like PDF or image. When exporting to a continuous media like an Excel spreadsheet, SectionPosition will always return 0.




Number value

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Help - SectionPosition