Summary Functions
Summary functions offer a lot of possibilities to summarize field values. All summary functions have the ability to group the summaries (see summary conditions).
Click on a function name to get more information about it.
Average - average
Correlation - correlation
Count - count
Covariance - covariance
DistinctCount - distinct count
Maximum - maximum
Median - median
Minimum - minimum
Mode - mode
NthLargest - nth largest value
NthMostFrequent - nth most frequent value
NthSmallest - nth smallest value
PercentOfAverage - percent of average
PercentOfCount - percent of count
PercentOfDistinctCount - percent of distinct count
PercentOfMaximum - percent of maximum
PercentOfMinimum - percent of minimum
PercentOfSum - percent of sum
PopulationStdDev - population standard deviation
PopulationVariance - population variance
PthPercentil - pth percentil
StdDev - standard deviation
Sum - sum
Variance - variance
WeightedAverage - weighted average