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Text constants

Can be used in the Text category of the i-net Clear Reports Options.

Glyph Orientation constants

Can be used in the property formula of property "Glyph Orientation" to define the rotation of every individual character in each line.

Constant   Description
GlyphDefault   Default Glyph Rotation
GlyphDown   Rotate Glyphs by 180°
GlyphLeft   Rotate Glyphs to the Left
GlyphRight   Rotate Glyphs to the Right
GlyphUp   Do not Rotate Glyphs

Text Interpretation constants

Can be used in the property formula of property "Text Interpretation" to define the type of text interpretation used for a field.
Text interpretation is available for database, formula and some special field objects, only. Currently there are the following 4 types of text interpretation available.

Constant   Description
UninterpretedText   Plain Text (default)
RtfText   Rich Text Format (RTF)
HtmlText   HTML (basic)
AdvancedHtmlText   HTML (advanced)
CommonMarkText   Markdown (CommonMark)
CoWorkMarkText   Markdown (i-net CoWork)

For a description of the types, see: Text Properties

Text Rotation constants

Can be used in the property formula of property "Text Rotation" to define the degree by which the text should be rotated.

Constant Value
Rotate90 90°
Rotate180 180°
Rotate270 270°
i-net Clear Reports
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