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Converts values of different data types into a string representation of the value.


ToText( x )
ToText( x, y )
ToText( x, y, z )
ToText( x, y, z, w )
ToText( x, y, z, w, q )


Converting a Boolean

x A Boolean value that is converted to a string (either "true" or "false").

Converting a Number or Currency

x A number or currency value to be converted (can be a whole number or a decimal number).
y A number specifying how many decimal places of x to include in the string [OPTIONAL, default is 2].
z The character to separate thousands with [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale].
w The character to use for the decimal point [OPTIONAL, default depends on your local].

Converting a Number or Currency With Formatting Options

x A number or currency value to be converted (can be a whole number or a decimal number).
y The text string specifying how to format the string representation (see formatting patterns).
z How many decimal places of x to include in the string [OPTIONAL, default is zero].
w The character to use for the thousands separator [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale].
q The character to use for the decimal point [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale].

Converting a Number, Date, Time or DateTime using the system default formats

x A number or date/time value to be converted.
y The default pattern string or constant. (see formatting patterns).

Converting Single Date, Time, or DateTime Values

x a date, time, or datetime to convert to a string.
y the text string specifying how to format the string representation (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale].
z the text string to use for "A.M." (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale - only for time and datetime].
w  the text string to use for "P.M." (see formatting patterns) [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale - only for time and datetime].

Converting ranges

The following "special ranges" are detected:
x A range value of any type except binary. This range will be converted into easy-to-read text and will be checked for whether it is a special range, in case it is a date or dateTime range. Number formatting depends on either the report or server locale settings, if no pattern is set. Entire months - if a date range is specifically one month exactly, the function will return "[Month-Name] [Year]", e.g. the date range "3/1/03 to 3/31/03" would return "March 2003".
Quarters - if a date range is specifically a quarter of the year, this function will return "[QuarterNumber]th Quarter, [Year]", e.g. the date range "4/1/06 to 6/30/06" would return "2nd Quarter, 2006".
Calendar weeks - if a date range is precisely a calendar week, this is detected and the function will return "Week [WeekNumber], [Year]". A calendar week is defined by the locale and can start either on Sunday or Monday. See the Excel or OpenOffice function WeekNum, as well as the ISO definition of a calendar week at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date.
y the pattern string specifying how to format the string representation (see formatting patterns). This parameter may contain one pattern or two patterns for both boundaries separated by a ' to '. If two patterns are specified, the lower and upper boundary of the range can be formatted different. [OPTIONAL, default depends on your locale]. This parameter only has an effect on date, time, dateTime and number values.


A string

Localization (Date, Time, DateTime)

The output format depends on the client locale if activated. Otherwise the locale of the report will be used. If no locale is specified for the report, the server locale will be used instead.


The following examples assume you have an English (U.S.) locale - it may look different in your locale:

-> Returns the String '99.00'.
-> Returns the string '99'
-> Returns
the string '13457'
ToText(13456.567,1,"#","*")   	//='13#456*6'
-> Returns
the string '13#456*6'
ToText(true)       	//='true'
-> Returns
the string 'true'
totext(  time( #11:20# ), systemLong );       	// the locale is 'en_US' for this example
-> Returns
the string '11:20:00 CET'
totext(  0.95  , "percent" );       	// the locale is 'en_US' for this example
-> Returns
the string '95%'
totext( 1 to 5, "0 to 0" );       	// print a simple number range without fraction
-> Returns
the string '1 to 5'
totext( #1/1/2010# to #2/1/2010#, "dd-MM-yyyy to dd MMM yyyy" );       	// print a data range with individual formats
-> Returns
the string '01-01-2010 to 01 Feb 2010'

See also:

i-net Clear Reports
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