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Converts values of different data types into a string representation of the value using a report and server independent language/locale.


ToTextFixed( value, pattern, languageCode )


value This value to convert to text can be of any type. It can be a range as well but not an array.
pattern The formatting patter in case of a date, time, datetime, number or currency value(see formatting patterns). If the value is of any other type, the patter will be ignored. In case the value is a range, use '<form pattern> to <to pattern>' here. If the pattern is an empty string, the system default will be used accoding to the type of the value.
languageCode This parameter specifies a complete ISO-conform locale string to set the conversion language. It can contain language (lower-case, two-letter code), country (upper-case, two letter code) and variant. You can find a full list of these codes at a number of sites, such as: http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php (the last column).
Possible values are:
* th (language only)
* th_TH (language and country - this sample use the Buddhist calendar)
* th_TH_TH (with variant - this sample use Thai digits)
* sr-Latn (with Latin script)
* sr-Cyrl (with Cyrillic script)


A string


ToTextFixed(99.0, "", "en")
-> Returns the String '99.00.
ToTextFixed(99.0, "", "de")
-> Returns the String '99,00.

See also:

i-net Clear Reports
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