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Searching for Date Values

The search for date and date ranges can only be used in fields (<field>:) supporting this type like the lastaccess: field in the Users and Groups Manager. The following syntax is available.

Searches for entries that have their date on this day:

  • <field>:<date>

Date Range

Search for entries that have their date between dateStart and dateEnd. Both, dateStart and dateEnd are included.

  • <field>:<dateStart>-<dateEnd>

Note: If one of the dates is not valid or dateStart is after dateEnd there will be no result.

Future Dates

Searches for entries that have their date greater than or equals the given <date>.

  • <field>:><date>
  • Example: <field>:>2020-01-01 will find all dates starting from (and including) 2020-01-01

Past Dates

Searches for entries that have their date earlier than or equals the given <date>.

  • <field>:<<date>
  • Example: <field>:<2020-01-01 will find all dates starting at the beginning of up until and including 2020-01-01

Note: The format of the dates depends on the client and can be derived from the list of suggestions.

Relative Dates

Search for entries that have their date in the last <number> of years, months or days:

  • <field>:<number>y
  • <field>:<number>m
  • <field>:<number>d
  • Example: <field>:7d finds all entries within the last seven including today
  • Example: <field>:>7d finds all entries starting seven days ago up until the future without end
  • Example: <field>:<7d finds all entries starting at the beginning of time up until seven days ago

Relative Date Range

Search for entries within relative date ranges. The search accepts the definition of mixed ranges of years, months and days as long as <numberStart>(y/m/d) is before <numberEnd>(y/m/d).

  • <field>:<numberStart>(y/m/d)-<numberEnd>(y/m/d)
  • Example: <field>:1y-6m finds entries starting one year ago, up until six months ago
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Help - Date Values