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There are several ways to influence the behavior of the report generation.

General Behavior

Default rendering format

With this property it is possible to set the default report viewer used in a browser. Possible values are: HTML report viewer, Java report viewer (applet) or PDF.

  • Default value: HTML

Allow unknown Data Sources

If this option is activated, it is allowed to connect to data sources that are saved in a report file and are not yet available in the server configuration. If this option is deactivated, only datasources that are administrated on server side can be used for data connections. This will prevent that any user has the ability to load data from any external database.

Note: That implies, that potentially unsafe data sources can be used on the server. By using this option, you should make sure that your report locations are properly set up and that only trusted users can upload reports to the server.

  • Default value: disabled

Use Client Locale

Most browsers transfer the language of the client to the server. If this property is enabled then this client language will be used for:

  • Formatting of number, date, time and boolean values
  • the translation of the 'Page N of M' and 'Page N'
  • the translation with language resources
  • the formula functions WeekdayName(), MonthName() and ToWords().

If this option is deactivated then the server-locale will be used for those cases.

  • Default value: activated

Use Client Timezone

If "Use Client Timezone" is enabled, date and time values will be formatted with the timezone of the client. The formatting depends on the language and only takes place for display, not for grouping. This works automatically in the Java report viewer, but for rendering other formats, the URL parameter "timezone" must be set (see Report URL Parameter).

  • Default value: inactive

Has Group Tree

Defines for all reports whether they can be rendered with a Group Tree or not. The Group Tree is required for the Drill Down feature. If this option is enabled and data is available the Group Tree Data will be rendered.

If Has Group Tree is enabled: With the help of the Report URL Parameter "HasGroupTree" it is possible to define for each request whether the Group Tree will be displayed or not. Alternatively you can use the Viewer API method ReportView.setHasGroupTree(boolean) for one report or ReportViewer.setHasGroupTree(boolean) for the entire viewer.

  • Default value: activated

Ignore WHERE On Error

If an error occurs during the execution of a SQL statement with a WHERE clause, the query will be repeated without this clause. Otherwise the report execution is stopped. Note: The execution of a SQL query without the WHERE clause can result in an OutOfMemoryError caused by a large number of records.

  • Default value: activated

Compatibility Settings

Prompt Behavior

Defines in which cases the prompt dialog will show up and how to handle default values in case no value is set. Possible values:

  • VALUES_MUST_BE_EXPLICITLY_SET - A prompt dialog is shown every time if at least one prompt value has not been explicitly set via URL parameter, via the API or via the prompt dialog.
  • TAKE_VALUE_FROM_DEFAULT_VALUES - A prompt dialog is shown every time if at least one prompt value has not been set via URL parameter, via the API or via the prompt dialog, AND if the prompt has no default value. If the prompt has a default value, this value is taken as being "set", and no prompt dialog is shown.
  • NEVER_PROMPT - Prompts are never(!) requested from the user. If a prompt is not set explicitly, it is set to null. Do not use this setting unless you never want users to be prompted for parameter field values.

Compatibility Level

This property defines which version of the render engine is used to emulate in regards to version-specific features.

  • Default (current installed version) - always uses the latest features of the currently installed version.
  • compliant to version 23.x - SVG export uses the Batik library. Newer compatibility levels use the JSVG library for SVG export.
  • compliant to version 22.x - render engine uses old behavior when optimizing custom formula functions.
  • compliant to version 20.x - HTML export/viewer uses old behavior for HTML (advanced) fields.
  • compliant to version 19.x - User-defined formula functions with constant parameters are not optimized.
  • compliant to version 12.x - render engine uses fixed point numbers instead of floating point numbers.
  • compliant to version 9.x - render engine uses the new evaluate time of formulas.
  • compliant to version 8.x - render engine uses the new features like the new API for creation of charts.
  • compliant to version 7.x - render engine creates charts using the old API. Also, lines and boxes of the report header don't cross the page header on following pages.
  • Default value: Default (current installed version)

Error Handling

Tolerate All Errors

Activating this property will cause the server or application to only log all errors occurring while rendering a report, rather than aborting the entire report. If you want the report rendering to be aborted after a number of errors, deactivate this property and set a number for the property "Number Of Errors Tolerated".

  • Default value: activated

Number Of Errors Tolerated

This number determines how many errors may occur during the rendering of a report before the report is aborted with an error. Errors are understood as any exception occurring during rendering, such as formula issues or connection problems. If you would like to specify a "zero tolerance" behavior for your report, causing it to abort on the slightest error, enter the value "0", otherwise you can provide a specific number of errors to be tolerated.

  • Default value: 0
i-net Clear Reports
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