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PDF Export

Settings which affect report generation in PDF format.

Asian PDF encoding

This property specifies the PDF font encoding (code page) for Asian languages that will be used by the PDF export if the used font could not be embedded into the PDF file. The possible encodings are:

  • Japanese (932)
  • Simplified Chinese (936)
  • Traditional Chinese (950)
  • Default value: Japanese

Map to Adobe Fonts

Fonts that are not included in FontPath directory can be represented by Adobe fonts or by true type fonts, generated by Java VM. This choice is controlled by the option "Map to Adobe Fonts".

Adobe fonts are fonts that are distributed with the Adobe Reader. PDF files that use these fonts will look similar on all platforms. If this option is set (default setting), fonts not located in FontPath are mapped to Adobe standard fonts or to fonts from Adobe European font pack or to some East-Asian fonts. The metrics used in this case is the intrinsic metrics of the Adobe fonts that provide the glyphs description too.

If this option is not set, fonts not located in FontPath are mapped to true type fonts that are generated by Java VM. If the font to be used for rendering is installed in the OS font directory then the metrics supplied by Java are very close to correct font metrics. Otherwise the metrics can be very different from correct metrics. Correct glyphs on the client can be provided in this case only if the font is installed there.

  • Default value: true

Replace missing Characters

This option is applied when an embedded, non-symbolic font can not display some of the characters from the EUDC interval. If this option is set, then the report engine will use the character from an embedded EUDC font, if the original font does not contains it. If this porperty is not activated then special characters, like a square, will be used.

  • Default value: false

Compress PDF files

Specifies if the PDF export creates compressed PDF files with a smaller file size.

  • Default value: true

Add Tags

Specifies whether PDF tags should be added to the created PDF file to make them useable for screenreaders. Examples for PDF tags are PDF alternative text for images or other commands integrated into the PDF file. This server default value can be overridden for each report by the report URL parameter "pdftags" or in the export dialog of the report viewer.

  • Default value: false

Mapping for Logical or not Embedded Fonts

Mapping Fonts

If this option is activated, all characters of a logical or not embedded font will be replaced with characters of an embedded font.

If the list of embedded fonts for a font type (SansSerif, Serif or Monospaced) is empty, then the order of the embedded fonts is random. With the font lists it is possible to specify the search order for a SansSerif, Serif and/or Monospaced font manually.

  • Default value: false


Specifies the order of the embedded fonts that are searched for the character of the font "SansSerif".


Specifies the order of the embedded fonts that are searched for the character of the font "Serif".


Specifies the order of the embedded fonts that are searched for the character of the font "Monospaced".


Specifies whether the generated PDF files will be digitally signed.

A code signing or document signing certificate is necessary to sign the created PDF files. There are 2 kinds of certificates:

  • free of charge self-signed certificates
  • commercial certificates from certification authority

Such certificates can prove that the created PDF file has not been changed since signing, but to verify their authenticity, they must be registered as trustable by Adobe Reader. Commercial certificates from a certificate authority (CA) on the contrary can be checked by Acrobat Reader autonomously.

The certificates and the private key are contained in a special store named key store. Each key store is protected against non authorized access through the key store password. Optionally each private key can have it's own key name and key password. Java can read private key and certificate from the following key store types:

  • JKS is the simplest form
  • JCEKS is the advance form of certificates that can be easily provided with Java tools
  • PKCS12 is the form that can be deduced from commercial certificate.

Self-signed certificates can be generated with several tools, e.g. Java keytool, or can be generated direct by some products, e.g. Adobe Acrobat.

For testing purposes you can create a self-signed test certificate with the Java keytool:

<path of the Java VM>/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keysize 1024 -alias <KeyName> 
-keypass <KeyPass> -keystore <StoreName> -storepass <StorePass> -storetype jks -validity 365

You could use for example the following sample values:

"<path of the Java VM>/bin/keytool" -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -sigalg "SHA1withRSA" -keysize "1024" -alias "myKey"
-keypass "myKeyPassword" -keystore "mystore.jks" -storepass "mystorepass" -storetype "jks" -validity "365"

This will create a file: mystore.jks which can be used as "Keystore File" if "Keystore Type " is JKS. As "Keystore Password" the storepass can be used keypass value cab be used as "Key Password".

Sign PDF files

If activated, the digital signature RSA-SHA1 is applied. The keys and certificates are contained in file-based key stores:

  • JKS: Java Keystore
  • JCEKS: Java Cryptography Extension Keystore
  • PKCS12: Public Key Cryptography Standards#12 Keystore
  • Default value: deactivated

Keystore Type

Specifies the type of key store to use (JKS, JCEKS or PKCS12).

  • Default value: JKS

Keystore File

Specifies the location of key store in the file system (required).

  • Default value: empty

Keystore Password

Specifies the password for a key store access (required).

  • Default value: empty

Key Name

Specifies the name of the key (alias-name). If not defined, one of the keys from key store will be used (optional).

  • Default value: empty

Key Password

Specifies the password for the key. If not defined, the password for the key store will be used (optional).

  • Default value: empty


Shows the status of the signature parameters test.

i-net Clear Reports
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