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In this dialog, parameters can be set to optimize the server.


Sets timeouts and limits for database connections to prevent them from blocking the server.

Max Connections

This property sets the maximum number of connections for one JDBC url. If the maximum number of connections is exceeded and the login timeout is expired, a SQLException will be thrown. A value of zero means unlimited number of connections. Note: MaxConnections must be >= n+1 where n is the maximum number of sub-reports of the report to be rendered, because each sub-report gets its own connection.

  • Default value: 5

Connection Pool Timeout

The Connection Pool Timeout determines how long a connection will be held in the pool before being closed (in minutes). Accessing an open connection is much faster than creating a new one, so we suggest a time of at least 10 minutes. If you are really low on connections you may reduce this to 1 minute, but performance may degrade. A value of 0 will disable the timeout completely, the connections will remain open forever.

  • Default value: 10

Login Timeout

Login timeout for the JDBC drivers in seconds. Please refer to the documentation of the used JDBC driver to find the meaning of value 0.

  • Default value: 30

Query Timeout

Query timeout for a statement in seconds. The value 0 means there is no limit.

  • Default value: 300

Meta Data Cache enabled

The MetaData cache stores runtime information about database objects. Usually the report server will try to identify the database objects of a report when it is executed. That's why some JDBC meta data queries will be used. In fact if you request many reports with the same database objects or if you request a report many times then for each report meta data queries would be needed. If you enable the MetaData cache the information about the database objects will be cached so that a second execution of a report would not need a JDBC meta data query anymore. Enabling the cache will enhance the speed of the report server.

  • Default value: false

Meta Data Cache Timeout

If the MetaDataCache is used you can specify a timeout after which the information about a database object should be cleared from the cache. If you don't want to set a timeout you can set a value of zero. The timeout is specified in minutes.

  • Default value: 10


Settings giving limits to the report generation in order to prevent memory running out when using wrong report parameters or report data.

Stop After Page

Specifies the upper bound for the number of pages to be rendered. If your report has n pages and you set stopAfter=100 then at most, 100 pages will be rendered. The value 0 means there is no limit. If during the rendering the upper bound is reached an additional page with a hint will be added.

  • If the Report URL Parameter does not contain "stopAfterPage" than the global Stop After Page property defines the pages that will be rendered at most.
  • If the Report URL Parameter "stopAfterPage" is set than this Parameter will override the global Stop After Page property.
  • Default value: 100000

Maximum Number of Records per Report

Specifies the upper bound for the count of records from the database to avoid an OutOfMemoryError caused by a large number of records. The value 0 means there is no limit.

  • Default value: 100000

Crosstab Cells Limit

Specifies the upper bound for the count of crosstab cells to avoid an OutOfMemoryError by crosstab rendering. The value 0 means there is no limit.

  • Default value: 10000
i-net Clear Reports
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