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Computes the sum of the values of a field or an array. The field can be a database field, another formula or an SQL Expression field. Optionally a field can be used as condition to select the records for the function. The condition is a group.


Sum( fld )
Sum( fld, condFld )
Sum( fld, condFld, cond )
Sum( array )


fld The name of a field whose values should be summarized.
condFld The name of the field that groups the values of fld (if fld isn't an array).
cond A string declaring the type of grouping to be used on condFld. This only makes sense for groups based on Date, DateTime, Time, and Boolean fields. See Summary Field Conditions for a list of strings you can use here.
array The name of an array variable whose values should be summarized.


Numeric value


Crystal Syntax:

NumberVar x;
x := Sum ( {MyTable.Price}, {MyTable.Lastname} ); // a group on {MyTable.Lastname} is required
x := x / 2

Basic Syntax:

Dim x As Number
x = Sum ( {MyTable.Price}, {MyTable.Lastname} ) // a group on {MyTable.Lastname} is required
formula = x / 2


  • If the values in fld should be grouped, a group based on condFld is needed. If the group does not exist in the report, you can add it using i-net Designer or using API method: Engine.addGroup.
i-net Clear Reports
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