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SQL Expression Editor

This editor will help you create native SQL expressions for your DBMS.


  • i-net Clear Reports will not verify these expressions.
  • You can use SQL expressions only if you have tables as a datasource. It will not work with stored procedures.

The SQL expression will be part of the report select query. For example:

  • your sample expression: ABS(YOUR_TABLE.YOUR_FIELD)
  • as part of the select query: SELECT ..., ABS(YOUR_TABLE.YOUR_FIELD), ..., ... FROM ... WHERE ...

In the upper half of the dialog you can find three lists with syntax elements.

  • field tree - a list of all available fields in the report
  • function tree - a list of ANSI 92 escape sequence functions. It cannot be guaranteed that your DBMS supports it.
  • operator tree - a list of ANSI 92 operators 

 To save the SQL expression click on the "Ok" button.

i-net Clear Reports
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Help - SQL Expression Editor