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Other Options

In this dialog it is possible to add your own additional properties to the configuration. After you added it to the configuration, you can use it in your program code using the configuration manager API. It is not useful in the i-net Designer.

To read a property value from the current configuration you could use:

ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getCurrent().get(String propertyname)

For more information please refer to the API documentation of the following classes:

Add / Edit / Remove

To add a new property, click on "Add a Property". Then enter it's name and value in the corresponding column and confirm the new entry by clicking on the confirm button. With a click on the X button it is possible to discard the new property.

To edit or remove a property move the cursor over the property and then click on the edit or remove button of the property you want to remove.

Note: Only unique property names are allowed. Additionally the name must not start with a digit.

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