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System Properties

There are a few system properties you can set for i-net Designer.

-Dclearreports.config Location of the configuration to use.
java -Dclearreports.config=USER/myconfig -jar inetcore.jar designer
-Dclearreports.configfile Location of a crystalclear.properties file that will be imported into temporary configuration.
java -Dclearreports.configfile=crystalclear.properties -jar inetcore.jar designer
-DCC:xxxx=yyyy Command line arguments to set property values of the Report Server.
java -DCC:log.engine=true -jar inetcore.jar designer
-Ddebug Enable/Disable the debug options.
java -Ddebug=true -jar inetcore.jar designer
-Ddebug.maxPages Specifies the maximum number of report pages. The default value in i-net Designer is 100.
java -Ddebug.maxpages=300 -jar inetcore.jar designer
-Duser.country Specifies the country of the used locale.
java -Duser.country=us -jar inetcore.jar designer
-Duser.language Specifies the language of the used locale.
java -Duser.language=en -jar inetcore.jar designer
–open To open one or more files at the start of i-net Designer you can use the –open command line parameter. The call should then look like this:
java -jar inetcore.jar designer --open <report1> --open <report2> ...
i-net Clear Reports
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