User Group Memberships
A user can be a member of several groups. The memberships can be assigned from either the group edit dialog or the user edit dialog. Some groups are automatically provided and can not be assigned or removed, for example: All Users.
Automatic Group Memberships
Group memberships may be assigned automatically depending on the Login Provider.
All Users - every user is a member of this group
Authentication Groups - a user is a member of this group if the authentication system acknowledges it. That means: if a user is a member of a group defined at authentication system level (e.g. PAM or a Windows Group), they are also a member of this group in i-net Clear Reports
Hint: authentication groups have to be created in i-net Clear Reports to make them available for further permission configuration.
Creating new groups
New groups can be created in the Users and Groups application. There are two options:
Creating an internal group (i-net Clear Reports Group)
Creating an authentication group
The difference between the two variants is that the authentication group depends on the login provider and is automatically assigned to a user when they log in.
Internal groups
A newly created internal group (entry i-net Clear Reports Group
in the menu) is empty after being created, meaning there are no memberships. The memberships have to be added manually.
Authentication Group
A selection field offers the recognized groups of each login provider. Select the name of the desired group and assign the appropriate authorizations.
Note: Only group names known through users who are already authenticated can automatically be suggested when creating a new authentication group.
Note: You can also enter custom group names that are not in the selection list. The manual entry of a group name has the advantage that authorizations (etc.) can be assigned before the group is actually known to the system.
Note: In the case of the Windows authentication backend, trust groups are also considered. However, the display of names in the selection list is unfortunately not possible and must therefore be entered manually.
Setting up user group memberships
The dialog is available for both, user details edit dialog and group detail edit dialog. Includes a search bar, the list of available users/groups and the list of assigned users/groups. Entries can be added using the +
-button at the entry on the left side and they can be removed using the delete button on entries on the right side.
To find entries more easily in an otherwise very large database the search can be used with virtually every detail of a user or group. That means, the list can be filtered for example by email and user or group names.